Apr 8, 2020 | Community, Homeowners, Safe & Healthy Home
We don’t usually have to worry about being without electricity in our homes. The thought of the power being out for even a short period can cause anxiety. To lessen your stress, prepare for a power outage. Gather supplies so your home and your family can function...
Mar 9, 2020 | Community, Home Maintenance, Homeowners
One small leak in your home has the potential to turn into a much bigger problem. The good news is that preventing leaks from occurring in the first place isn’t hard to do. Learn about how to prevent household plumbing leaks in this article. Washing Machine Leaks...
Feb 7, 2020 | Community, Homeowners
Selling a house can be both exciting and stressful. There are a few things you can do to prepare to sell your house quickly, with the least amount of stress, and for the most money. Prepare to Sell Your House With a Real Estate Agent The first step in selling a house...
Jan 9, 2020 | Community, Home Inspection, Home Maintenance, Homeowners
House fires happen across the country every year. Stay cozy and safe with your family this winter by learning how to prevent chimney fires. Six Ways to Prevent Chimney Fires Your chimney’s job is to safely direct smoke and other by-products out of your home...
Dec 9, 2019 | Community, Homeowners, Safe & Healthy Home
Are you preparing to go away for the holiday season? Before leaving town, take steps to improve home security for the holidays. Thieves see this time of year as a prime opportunity for break-ins. Residential homes provide the perfect storm of vacancy, new possessions,...
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