Swimming is one of the best ways to cool off during hot summer weather. If you have a home pool, you get to enjoy the water often. However, there are important swimming pool safety tips you should follow so that everyone stays safe on your property. This article details safety measures for every pool owner to implement.

Follow These Swimming Pool Safety Tips at Your Home Pool

1. Don’t Leave Children Unattended

Perhaps one of the most important swimming pool safety tips is to never leave a child unattended anywhere near a swimming pool. There should always be a trusted adult nearby who is not distracted, texting, or reading if children are around or in the pool. Be sure to keep a phone close by in case of an emergency.

2. Install Pool Safety Items

Pool safety features such as barriers, covers, and alarms can be lifesavers when it comes to owning a swimming pool. Install these items to prevent children from gaining access to the pool on their own. The fence should be approximately four feet tall, completely surround the pool area, and have a self-closing, self-latching gate. Pool covers should also be in perfect working condition. Set pool alarms to sound if someone opens the gate or takes off the cover while the alarm is activated.

3. Learn How to Properly Perform CPR

Enrolling in a CPR class is the best way to learn how to save a life, making this an important swimming pool safety tip. Bystanders are among the first people to give aid to drowning victims. The class that you take should teach you how to perform CPR for both adults and children. Keep your CPR certification current so you’re prepared to help if needed.

4. Swimming Pool Safety Tips and Swimming Lessons Go Together

Sign your kids up for swimming lessons. Many lessons at community centers are either free or low-cost. Teaching your children how to swim is not only fun, but they will also be stronger swimmers in the pool.

Homeworx Services provides home inspection services to Northern Virginia including pool and spa inspections. Contact us to schedule an appointment for our services.